The mission of Soul Essence Education is

to offer the skills and understanding required

for integrating the dimension of our hearts and souls into our lives.

Educating Soul Qualities

Soul Essence Education expands our earthly expression

into a multi-dimensional living experience:

a UniversCity

where we acknowledge being universal citizens

Living School of Love

Soul Essence Education lays ‘Love’ as the foundation and intention for life and learning; love becomes the underlying focus. It recognizes that life itself is a Living School of Love where we can decipher the universal beauty of all and everything.

Sacred Science of the Two Principles

In offering tools for anchoring the divine world with its essence into our physical reality, our Educational Teaching embraces the Sacred Science of the Two Principles, masculine and feminine, Spirit and Matter, within oneself and within creation. In doing so we can express the beauty of our Soul World in a harmonious co-creation.

Our Curriculum

Embracing all aspects of life, including birthing and transitioning, we offer specific approaches and programs for all ages. We uphold that learning is an ongoing journey; thus promoting that "Life is a Living School" where "Love is the Lesson" !

We are Star-Beings and our divine essence is Love.

We are part of a Universal Family, united in the Consciousness of Love.

We are all Unique Beings, Sovereign in our choices, and responsible for their consequences

We are Co-Creators of our Life and Creators of our experiences.

We come to earth to develop and express Soul Gifts so as to offer our Soul Essence to others.

We choose our parents and our environment as the foundation of our present Soul Essence Journey.

The diversity of Oneness is found within the co-creation of Paradise on Earth.


Discovering the infinite dimensions of the Soul World

… into the UniversCity of the New Life.


It is this world of love and beauty

that inspires our educational approach.

Such inspiration represents a revolutionary approach.

By revolutionary we mean that we are not upgrading, bettering or improving an existing system. We are presenting a new approach towards education and towards a way of living, for both are intrinsically linked to each other.

Soul Essence Educational


Butterfly Sanctuary

Embracing the creative power of sexuality, our love-life becomes an open portal into magical conceptions. Prenatal education placed within this awareness encompasses its sacredness and opens up soul-wings to fly like butterflies into the world of wonders … Our Butterfly Curriculum prepares young couples into parenthood, accompanies future parents to conceive a child, during pregnancy, for the birthing experience and throughout the first three years of baby’s life.

Rainbow Tree Space of Love ~ Living, Loving and Learning Together (Visit at

A Soul-Based Curriculum, individually balanced for each young child and teen to express harmoniously their Soul Essence into its full potential on an intellectual, artistic and physical level. In respecting each one’s sovereign choices on their Soul Essence Journey all students may explore and develop their Soul Gifts and, in this way, offer their genius for the betterment of all life.

Rainbow Bridge ~ Co-create your inner dreams (Visit at

An educative curriculum for young adults offering deeper understanding of the unseen world and presenting different practices to allow our human threefold expression of Mind, Heart and Will to become a receptacle for the triangle of Spirit, Soul and Etheric Realms of Nature. Through a deep spiritual understanding they can embody and realize their Soul's Purpose into their daily life.

Offering your Soul Gifts

Embracing the two aspects of our being; we are all one in soul essence and we are all individual aspects of its expression, brings about a co-creative manifestation of our Divine Self through our human self. We call this the offering of our Soul Gifts and that exploration represents another step on our Soul Essence Journey! Offering your Soul Gifts is a program for adults to integrate Soul Essence Educational concepts into our daily life.

Embracing your Divine Self

Furthering the apprenticeship of concentration, meditation, prayer, contemplation and identification into a mastery of transcending and ascending this physical reality: as we can stay connected worldwide through an internet connection, we have an inner-net connection through which we can communicate with other dimensions and realms.

Flight into the Light

In putting our life here on earth in the perspective of our multi-dimensional being, birth and transitioning is just like going to another country. Flight into the Light offers a preparation and accompaniment for transitioning back into the Soul World again.

Through cultivating compassion in the hearts of our children,

and allowing them to express their genius

as a gift to the wellbeing of the whole world,

they will co-create a future community

with love as the foundation, the meaning and the purpose of life

thus manifesting prosperity and happiness for all.

Soul Essence Educational


The Emerald Tablet, “As Above, So Below ...”

The path to integrate the unseen dimensions is not as farfetched and complicated as often it is presented. Nature offers us so many doorways to penetrate the invisible worlds that are within the physical manifestations ...

Through the development and practice of analogy, we reawaken dormant spiritual centers that enable us to visualize, feel and interact with the unseen realms. These experiences then become the building blocks of a totally new relationship that we establish with ourselves and all living beings. The two poles, the macrocosm and microcosm interconnect and form a unity, revealing hidden treasures buried in our consciousness.

This eight-week course allows the inner eye to gently open and perceive other realities that we get a small glimpse in our dream time. We begin to awaken our consciousness and step out of the confined spaces of three-dimensional realities. The goal of our soul evolution is to become a conscious and free citizen of the universe.

By Richard

The Angelic Hierarchies

How much do we know of our past? Not our genetic history or our physical body evolution, but what is the past of our spirit and soul?...

Have we, as we defined ourselves as human beings, lived in other forms, in other existences? These questions lead us to the realization that the earth and all her inhabitants have lived in other dimensional realities than just the present one we are now immersed in.
This eight-week course brings the lost memory of these distant times into the present moment. The angelic realms exist, not only outside ourselves but within us also, awaiting us to open the door into these amazing regions of beauty, light, qualities, virtues and possibilities.

An 8-week course offered by Richard

Soul Essence Educational concepts ~ Introduction

As the name reveals, our educational practice embarks into the subtle world of soul; its fundamental approach and tools will be different ...

Session 1 : ~ Fundamental Concepts of Soul Essence Education ~

Our spiritual bodies; soul phases; soul gifts;

how to interplay with them

Session 2 : ~ Family Concept ~

Personal family; inner family; universal family;

how to integrate them into our being

Session 3 : ~ Offering your Soul Gifts ~

Our free will; our uniqueness and oneness;

how to encompass and thrive with them

Session 4 : ~ An Education of Love ~

The universal beauty of the Cosmic Soul World;

how to live within and co-create from there

Offered by Greta

Manifest your Soul Dream

Where do our dreams originate from? … That is the question! How to recognize and discern any dream from a Soul Dream ...

The desire of manifesting your Soul Dream opens up an adventure from self-recognition into Self-discovery; who you divinely are. This ushers us in in the understanding of our twofold nature of the human self and divine/Soul Self, and how their correlation manifests itself into our outside reality. Starting to integrate the reflection of your present life as a mirror of who you presently are, you then can start to rebuild yourself from the introspection of your ideal self. Through an understanding of the laws of manifestation within different realms and the discernment of thoughts and feelings with their interaction we obtain powerful tools to steer our ship of manifestation through calm and stormy seas.

A 4-session class offered by Greta

Living Math ~ Magic of numbers

Math! oh my, we love it or we have a bad experience with it. Don’t worry, this is not about calculus … This is opening our hearts to what lays beyond those numbers. Just ponder: the fact that you exist, proves that 1 and 1 is not always 2 ...

it became a three !

Your dad plus your mom became three … Mom,  dad and you … Well yes, because there was some love involved … It is Love that will open us up towards the living world of numbers. In this class we will follow the numbers 1 to 10 and explore their living relation within our life. We will discover some of the wonders of the relationship between the numbers as a prelude of the beauty of creation. We will also relate this beauty in correlation to education.

A 10 week course of 2 hours sessions offered by Greta

Soul Essence Educator Training

Every day, we encounter moments to accompany someone, old or young, on their life’s journey. How and from where do our choices come, and towards where are we guiding ...

Learning’ is an 'inner' process. In this light, we are aware of the importance of the inner world which provides a guiding and supporting strength throughout our life. This strength emanates from us like a flower’s perfume and imbues all our actions and words; it functions as an ‘unspoken’ education. We put an important focus in refining, embellishing and intensifying our own inner life. It is only through the strength of this inner energy that we can accompany someone else.

This is threefold course for a young adult, a parent or a teacher;

A 10-week journey, once a week;

An exploration of a sincere SEE approach in our life

A 13-week journey, once a week;

Integrating the SEE viewpoint into our educational attitude

A 10-week journey, once a week;

Practical application for each Soul Phase

Offered by Greta

Know You, Yourself, the Key to the Universe

The goal of all pursuit of knowledge is to know oneself. Each discovery in modern science has brought to light how much all life is interconnected and, at the same time, how much we do not know ...

As we begin to establish this knowledge and put the questions, who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose into the “what is” of our lives, a vast vista opens before us and a journey begins into the depths of ourselves. This eight-week course follows the eternal spring of spirit from its origin, for one needs to know where they come from, into the now moment of life. As the eternal symbol of wisdom, the snake swallowing its tail, we create a circle within our existence to reflect the perfection of the universe.

An 8-week course offered by Richard

Your relationship with your parents

Our soul consciousness chose very wisely our parents. Sure, it doesn’t always seem that wise for our human point of view but on our Soul Essence Journey there is a specific gift to embrace ...

This is a two-session class in which during the first session we go deeper into the different dimensions of the Soul world and how our Soul Essence incarnates. We’ll discover how the relationship we hold in our heart, consciously or unconsciously, towards our mother and our father is a dynamic with which we manifest our experiences in life. We’ll recognize that our relation with mom and dad reflects our deep relationship with the divine principles of manifestation. In the second session we will go on an inner guided journey to encounter our soul consciousness before our conception and incorporate how our soul eyes look differently towards our life’s experiences.

Class offered by Greta

Prices for courses and counseling are determined on an individual basis to insure a win/win exchange.

All proceeds go towards our non-profit organization.


… A New Educational Ideal …

Education, in so many different forms, has always played a very important role in the organization and well-functioning of a civilization. Inspired by its vision and purpose, education guides …

… into the UniversCity of a New Life …

Serving the essence of the soul gives a new approach to life, revealing its beauty like the rays of the rising sun unwrap the dark cloth of the night. Like the sun, the soul brings light and life …

Living, Loving and Learning Together

A reverence for life, an integration of family and community, and a respect for our elders as the fundamental building blocks for a healthy and well-functioning society …

Educating Soul Qualities

All education begins with its first lesson. Nature, being our teacher, impregnates us with the first lesson of life: each child has a father and a mother …

Contact Us

Richard ~  +1 808 639 5593

Greta ~  +1 808 639 5821