All education begins with its first lesson. Nature, being our teacher, impregnates us with the first lesson of life: each child has a father and a mother. The father gives the seed to the mother who receives it in her fluids and forms the child. The child represents always an embodiment of the collaboration of both parents. All of nature is created on this threefold structure.

The masculine principle represents the concept, the essence; wisdom. The feminine principle represents the formation, the creation, the nourishing interaction; love. Their child represents the manifestation, the realization of such marriage: life. These three principles are also represented as light, warmth and movement; thought, feeling and action; spirit, soul and body; meaning, content and form; creator, nature and humanity; spiritual, mental – emotional and physical etc.

This concept of trinity teaches us the second lesson of life; neither the father nor the mother is most important; only together can they create new life. We leave behind the patriarchal or matriarchal system and enter into the sacred reunion of the two principles. In their blessed marriage we can answer the call of this new epoch. In their true consideration we can create the conditions needed to apply a new way of living. By lovingly embracing both principles equally within our consciousness, we can express ourselves fully and harmoniously.

Respecting the sacredness of such union, a new understanding of the concept of family will arise where love will be the foundation. This represents the third lesson. Each of our thoughts, feelings and actions will be done because of love, in love, from love, and with love.

Broadening out this concept of family consciousness into a community-setting, and a country-organization, we will develop a consciousness of a planetary family and even a universal family, outlining the creation of Living in Universal Beauty as One Family! (‘Lubof ’ means ‘love’ in Bulgarian)

With those three lessons in our hearts, we can embrace all further learning.

Let’s take our contemplation on these three lessons a little bit deeper. An acorn that is planted may become an oak tree. The seed contains the whole layout for its manifestation but as long as it is not planted, nothing will manifest. An acorn that is planted may become an oak tree. The seed contains the whole layout for its manifestation but as long as it is not planted, nothing will manifest. The blueprint inscribed in the seed will never be modified, as it is divinely encoded. Whereas its manifestation will depend on the conditions in which the seed is planted. The interaction of the seed’s blueprint with a specific environment will bring about a corresponding manifestation. This fundamental understanding of the three concepts, representing the three building blocks for all creation, lays at the foundation of Soul Essence Education.

The seed is the blueprint, the vision, the ideal. It is unchangeable, it is the ‘one’; it is the unity.

The ‘one’ needs to be ‘planted’; it begins an interaction between itself and the environment. A polarity is formed, the ‘one’ became a ‘two’: the inner blueprint will interrelate with an outer dimension. The quality of this interaction will determine how the seed will be expressed.

This marriage between the ‘one’ and the ‘two’ results automatically in a materialization: ‘one’ plus ‘two’ becomes ‘three’. The blueprint manifests in form.

Our presentation is based on this threefold outline:

  • 1- the seed, blueprint – the vision – the concept
  • 2- the planting – the interaction – the content
  • 3- the expression – the appearance – the form

Those three building blocks represent three images of life:

  • 1- the blueprint, the vision; called High Ideal
  • 2- the planting, the interaction; called Respiration
  • 3- the expression, the form; called Manifestation

Each image has this threefold composition: the blueprint represents its concept, the planting represents its content, and the expression represents its form, each illustrated by new images. This can go on infinitely.

In presenting 12 images we offer an outline for this educational approach.

Applied in education, we discover the outline for a new educational approach.

We will elaborate the first family with their three aspects, presenting twelve images;

We conclude with a thirteenth image that summarizes the twelve others; each image revealing its essence, they sparkle together like a diamond reflecting all the colors of the rainbow.

Synarchy – the achievement in education

Let’s go on our journey … from an ideal towards its manifestation

and discover the infinite dimensions of the soul …

into the UniversCity of the New Life