Education, in so many different forms, has always played a very important role in the organization and well-functioning of a civilization. Inspired by its vision and purpose, education guides children into adulthood by offering tools and possibilities to prosper in society. This intrinsic relationship between education and society makes education the cornerstone of human enhancement. Its noble mission consists in being an unspoken counsel and guiding lamp for humanity through accompanying the youth and everyone into a better world.

Soul Essence Education introduces a new educational ideal:
to learn how to live together.

Venturing on this journey calls forth the discovery of essential qualities that will allow humans to live peacefully alongside each other and in harmony with their surroundings.

Talking about qualities brings us into a world of inner perception. This inner dimension is the domain of the heart, while the outer materialization is the domain of the intellect. The heart is capable of perceiving an inner reality, while the intellect is capable of communicating it into our consciousness in order to express it into form. It is from this marriage of the intellect and the heart that a new life will be born. The inner qualities and virtues of the heart will appear in the outer reality of manifestation.

Although this inner dimension was, is and will always be present in life, to comprehend its essence, one must take into account three concepts. First, that everything in the universe has an intelligence; secondly, that the human being has, besides its physical body, a soul and a spirit; and thirdly, that there exists a specific relationship between all and everything in the universe. Integrating these perceptions in one’s consciousness will bring in the evidence of the unity of all creation and awaken the responsibility that each human being shares with each other and our surrounding environment. This inner awareness comes forth from the soul consciousness: ‘I am part of all and all is part of me’.

The new educational ideal we are presenting, will enable humankind to feel part of this universal creation. This ‘feeling of belonging’ will nurture the essence of soul: our true divine essence that resides deep inside us, waiting for the appropriate conditions to open and blossom.

That’s why we call this educational approach Soul Essence Education. And its educational ideal is Living in Universal Beauty as One Family! (‘LUBOF’ means ‘love’ in Bulgarian)

A new language will form to express the life being inscribed within the human soul. The soul speaks to us through images. The heart can feel these images and experience their essence. The new form of communication will pass through the heart and the new language will be a language of the heart. The mind may interpret aspects of the image but will never comprehend the totality of the meaning. Only the heart has the ‘eyes’ to perceive the real ‘in-sight’ of the image, for its reality is an inner perception. When the mind will integrate these experiences of the heart into its understanding it will upgrade its capacity from a third dimensional awareness into a multidimensional perception. It is this collaboration between heart and mind that will uplift science into its true mission and teach the human consciousness how to become a conscious co-creator of beauty and harmony.

This language of the heart is sometimes mentioned as the ‘universal language’, which is understood by all and everything. Nature also communicates through this language and expresses itself through images. The herald of a golden sunrise, a glorious rainbow after the storm, the crocus piercing through the snow, the eternal ebb and flow from ocean waves, the astonishing migration of birds, the awakening of the bear after its winter sleep, the vastness of the starry night, the cycle from seed to fruit, the apotheosis of autumn before the stillness of winter followed by the mysterious birth of spring; these are just a few images of nature that talk to us about the magic of life. These images are living images and their language speaks directly to our soul consciousness.

These living images of nature will become the teaching of the future. They represent what we call the “Living Book of Nature”. All the lessons and steps of learning will be found in this Living Book of Nature. While reflecting the beauty of the Creator, each image contains a world filled with its movements, colors, sounds, fragrances and forms.

Alive and vibrant, each image will breathe its meaning through one’s entire being. Each one is a door to the new culture that is awaiting humanity. As flowers, these images will open up a world of wonder. Each image will anchor itself, as it becomes a part of a new experience. Each experience will expand, as it becomes a part of a new consciousness; each consciousness will become part of a new educational practice that will enable the expression of our inner reality.

As, at the beginning of the 20th century, humanity opened up towards the usefulness of reading and writing, humanity will now start to learn how to read and write within this Living Book of Nature.

Soul Essence Education promotes this new way of reading and writing and invites you to the apprenticeship of deciphering the language of the soul and how you can express the beautiful story of your divine essence.